Saturday 4 May 2013

Fire and smoke test

for the last push for hand in i decided to go back to the fire even though the project is no longer continuing. with fire you also get smoke so i also looked at creating smoke.

i still creating a plane to become the surface emitter for the the maya fluids which was later hidden so it does not show up in the renders. i managed to get it looking ok in the render view but the batch render it looks different and the playblast does not do it justice however i don't have time to fix the issue with hand in so close.

the smoke was also created with maya fluids i managed to get it looking good and was happy with however after the fluid was cached their was a problem with it. the container would move around when it should not. i tried to key it to stay in place but it didn't work. it meant i could only get render images of the smoke as the batch render would not really work if it is moving all over the place. i tried rendering a previous version but the quality of it was not good and the movement was not the same. Again don't have the time to properly solve the issue